Page name: Insanity Cult Freaks! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-08 23:28:12
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T[o] T[h]E [i]N[s]A[n]I[t]Y [c]U[l]T[']S [f]R[e]A[k]S[h]O[w]

O[f] M[e]M[b]E[r]S

Im your Host.. [Mr. Oogie Boogie].. and this is the branched off part of the wiki Insanity cult! to show all of us freaks ^^...

the page will consist of the names of those who are members of the insanity cult.. trying to show a picture or more of ourselfs being naturally... weird..

Me and Alex [Lex] will be the only ones with the password to edit this page.... so if you want your picture's and comments and such up? send them to us and they will be added.. thank you

and have fun ^^

[Mr. Oogie Boogie]

- Yes.. i am the wonderful maker of this wiki branch xD

- Dont look at me *hisses*

- Which part is real? O_O


- The name is Imah Ottie! Yooh like meh! Do not deeeny deh truuf!

- Feel the wrath of the CHIPMUNK!!! *Eeeeeek; Chases people around squeaking*

- Can't... take.... the... SANITY LEVELS!!! >.<

[I be THE MAT!]

- WARNING!: Two awesomely cool and randy phycos on the loose!!! If seen please do not tell the authorities!!! They WILL have kinky sex with you involving whips and chains ^^

- Quote by [Mr. Oogie Boogie] "I chose to put this one up xD.. what can i say.. its perfect"

[The Incredible Bulk]

- I may be UNLOVED *Glares at Jack*, But at least

[shadows of life]

- I'm not that evil

- Really i'm not...


- [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: "Our one and only tramp xD"

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2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: *Waves*

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: How are you? *thrs you a treat*

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: tried

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Heh same pal, Ive just woken up so *yawns* im tired too ^^

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: i'm still up

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Aye, you live in USA right?

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: Aye

2008-02-17 [Lex]: .... yes he doooesss.. and uhmm bawls are good.. i love blue bawls *cracks up laughing*

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o wierd person XD

2008-02-17 [Lex]: No.. im... not... i love bluebawls! theyre TASTEY! mmmmmmmm and they get me REALLY energized! ^^

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Well i have some bawls but they arnt blue >.< hehehe

2008-02-17 [Lex]: ....?? OOOOOOOoooo noooooooooo lmao! XD *falls out of chair laughing and clenching stomach* caaa... ca... cant brrreaaaaathe!!! hahahaha!!! BAWLS! hahaha XD XD XD XD

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *points and laughs at Alex*

2008-02-17 [Lex]: *tries to stand up and falls back over out of breath* heheh... heh....... o.0 wooohooo...

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Coudlnt resist sayiong that ^^

2008-02-17 [The Incredible Bulk]: I see living people.

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *falls dead*

2008-02-17 [The Incredible Bulk]: Still see some Living people.^^

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *raise from dead* SECRED TAI JUTSU, THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *kills alex again*..

pissed on your bonfire xD

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: heheh

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o i beg your pardon

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O_O.. nothing

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: <_< >_> Kage mane no jutsu

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: ..............................................................................................................................................................JACK...........................................WAHT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?!?

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: it is the FUTURE


2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: its AMAZING D:

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Its Frikin wierd thats what it is

2008-02-18 [Lex]: *is dead* ~thanks jack >.>~

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: *calls upon spirits and revives you* ^^

2008-02-18 [Lex]: *jumps up and breathes again* matty! *huggles*

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: im too busy to kill you again xD im downloading disney songs

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: .< *huggles back* Twas nothin much heheh ^^

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you all really need to stop doing that xD

2008-02-18 [Lex]: ... ¬¬ you know... i should kill the king... hes being a pest...

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *pester pester pester*

2008-02-18 [Lex]: dont... even.. start....

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: *runs in* YOU LEAVE MY ALEX ALONE!

2008-02-18 [shadows of life]: ...

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you forgot your pants matt

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: *looks down* OH SHIT >.< *runs back into room*

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *hears a load of clammbering around coming from the next room.. also a lot of swearing*

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: *runs back in with pants on* Stop pestering Alex!

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: "king"

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: "I be THE MAT! THHHEEEE MAT!"

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gives matt some peanuts to shut up*

2008-02-18 [Lex]: >>
Whos say what what!? o.0
I can handle this!

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: I dunno, all that i know is that Jacks pestering you and i command for him to stop it, also sorry shadows for the way i put my words in earlier >.<

2008-02-18 [Lex]: ...... lol. appology? 0.o *shakes head in wowness* otayyyy... *sits down* ;ksjfhs;lkdngslng;lsng

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: *puts a bucket of water of Alexes head* Incase your brain fries

2008-02-18 [Lex]: *looks up and melts to the floor*

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: There we go ^^

2008-02-18 [shadows of life]: it fine

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: ^^ coolio, anyways i have work to be done so i must take my leave later!

2008-02-18 [Lex]: -------------- o.o -------------

2008-02-18 [shadows of life]: ok

2008-02-19 [I be THE MAT!]: *walks in and trips over a ladybug* .........>.<

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: did anyone else use to call it a ladybird?

2008-02-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: i called it a ladybird^^

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: waaaaay xD *high fives alice*

2008-02-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: I still do^^ *High fives back, and misses lalling over my own shoe*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ...i didnt... ?! *looks around as a loner* hmmm...

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *high fives alex* >.>

2008-02-19 [I be THE MAT!]: *gets up and sits under tree looking up in sky* ........

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *sits next to matt*

2008-02-19 [I be THE MAT!]: Heh, hey Jack

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: hey ^^.. *gets out monopoly*

2008-02-19 [I be THE MAT!]: Bagsy car *grabs car piece*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *high fives the air* i missed... >.> damnit!

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i call the dog :D

2008-02-19 [Lex]: .> Ill take..........the....imaginary butterfly!

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: roll to see who goes first?
*rolls a 2*


2008-02-19 [Lex]: *takes dice and rolls*.... O.o *Rolls a 5* Fuck!

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you could be first

2008-02-19 [Lex]: i dont wannaa! lol fine! *rolls again* 3! *moves 3 spaces* Draw a card! oo! *picks up card* "Go to Jail." Fudge monkey! *moves imaginary butterfly to jail*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *matts roll*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: il just take mine xD

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *rolls a 10... moves forward 10 spaces... to just visiting*

2008-02-20 [Lex]: .> ebil..... *is stuck in jail*

2008-02-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *waves to alex*

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: your stuck in too

2008-02-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: no.. im just visiting

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: i was talking to alex *waves*

2008-02-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: oh.. well thats who i meant O_O

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: i see

2008-02-20 [Lex]: ....*crosses arms* e...bil.. people...

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: ...yes?

2008-02-20 [Lex]: .... >.> shh! *taps on jail bars*

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: *walks though the jail bars*

2008-02-20 [Lex]: *glares* HOW!

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: shadows? *reaches over and pulls you out*

2008-02-20 [I be THE MAT!]: My turn! *rolls 4* .......................fking income tax my arse

2008-02-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: since you left no comma's or anything there matt? it sounded like you wanted us to income tax your ass xD

2008-02-20 [Lex]: lmao!! weee! im freeee!!! haha. *dances*

2008-02-20 [I be THE MAT!]: Hey Alex got you a card :) *gives you a chance card*

2008-02-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: are you gonna tell me what pic and caption to put up or not?

2008-02-20 [shadows of life]: wootness

2008-02-20 [Lex]: ... yeah mat!lol and OO thanks! *takes it*

2008-02-21 [I be THE MAT!]: *grins* Have fun reading it he he he he.

2008-02-21 [shadows of life]: wooot

2008-02-23 [Lex]: ?! reading it!?! o.0

2008-02-23 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: reading the comments i think xD

2008-02-26 [Supernova.]: I gots somefing fer yoo
Manip courtesy of [=Φ.Φ=]

Subtitle: Ph33r me, [Supernova.], nenenenene.

2008-02-26 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: well im james' pet.. beat that xD

2008-02-26 [shadows of life]: well i can turn into shadows

2008-02-27 [Lex]: ... uhm yikes...

2008-02-28 [I be THE MAT!]: Well......well.......IM THE MAT! BEAT THAT!

2008-02-28 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *slaps matt*

2008-02-28 [I be THE MAT!]: *rubs face* You shalt pay for that bitch *Throws a fish at you*

2008-02-28 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: omg... xD my frend katie? her sister got a fish thrown at her face xD

someone drove past in a car, wound the window down and threw a fish xD.. it got her right across the face...

classic... when does that EVER happen lmao

2008-02-28 [I be THE MAT!]: Heheheheheheh XD

2008-02-29 [Lex]: lmao!!!

2008-02-29 [I be THE MAT!]: Slap in face with fish, best comedy thing ever

2008-02-29 [Lex]: lol ive never seen it happen before lol

2008-03-03 [Supernova.]: Put it on it.........

2008-03-09 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh god you put it on Jack >.<

2008-03-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yes i did xD

2008-03-09 [Supernova.]: I don't see it >.<

2008-03-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you dont see the new picture of matt?

2008-03-19 [Supernova.]: Nooo..........
I see it...eww...

2008-03-19 [I be THE MAT!]: Geee thanks >.>

2008-03-20 [Lex]: lol woo go matty! sorry ive been gone guuys... illness... >< sowwyyy

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: *huggles* Its fine ^^ Aslong as your feeling better thats all that matters :)

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: awwww.. wasnt that sweet

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ I am a sweet person after all Jackko ^^

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: It scares me, you look like you're about a nom a baby.

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: I love you anyways though :]
You should feel special there are only like 6 guys in the entire world I love! Yay for Mattypoo ^_^

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: ................Not another patronising name >.<

and YAY! *dances*

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: Mattypoo... oh that will be fun to repeat xD

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: OH NO!!!

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ahaha xD.. check out natasha cool points :D

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: I have a bazillion per person, minimum.

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: Darn you! Now Jackko is gonna be calling me that forever >.<

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: You are most welcome for the new nickname for MAttypoo, Ja-jack.

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ja-jack? D:

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: Jah. SANDSTORM *runs around dancing to Sandstorm*

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: O.O THATS CLASS!!! *dances with*

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: *rolls around the wiki*

2008-03-20 [shadows of life]: wootness

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *sits in a huff*

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: *ruffles jacks hair* Lighten up :P

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: JACKAY!!!!! *snuggs*

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: .. now i have two?

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: JACKKO! *huggles*

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: Uh-huh. Two whats?

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ok Three...


2008-03-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: Jackington?

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ... 4

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: Jackaloo?

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: Jackky Wackky?

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: Jackypie?

2008-03-20 [I be THE MAT!]: Jackaty?

2008-03-20 [Supernova.]: Shmoo?

2008-03-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: >.>

2008-03-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: jackle
Jacky-wackie ickle kinny winns.
jammy doger!

2008-03-21 [Lex]: im feeling a little better but not completely i miss you guys! =[[ loooots! and i love the names alice! lol i call mat, mattykins.... =D

2008-03-21 [I be THE MAT!]: Yep, alas you do :P

2008-03-21 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you better miss us D:.. we miss you Dx

2008-03-21 [The Incredible Bulk]: why aren't you on anymore Alexy?
im behind on ..everything..anyone pervert that you get bitten.

2008-03-21 [Lex]: lol nice try at being mean jack.. that last part sounded like desperation. lol. I LOVE YOU JACKKK!!

2008-03-21 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: I LOVE YOU TOO *tackle hugs alex and cries dramatically*

too much?

2008-03-22 [Lex]: no its just right! hehe -holds jack-

2008-03-22 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ^^ *nuzzles*

2008-03-23 [Lex]: awww jaaacck ive never seen you so affectionate... i like it! -cuddles- makes me feel more loveded lol. awww

2008-03-23 [I be THE MAT!]: It scares me O.O Jack being nice!? -starts screaming and running around-

2008-03-23 [Lex]: -hisses at mat- He misses me! i like it! and! it shows he loves me. and you know what?! i love you too jacky -nods- ^^ and nu pointing out stuff... >> hes fine how he is! -huggles him tighter-

2008-03-23 [I be THE MAT!]: ¬¬" if you say so

2008-03-23 [Lex]: > why you gota look at meh like that... o.0

2008-03-23 [I be THE MAT!]: Cuz he shalt do something evil

2008-03-23 [Lex]: > nu!

2008-03-23 [The Incredible Bulk]: Aww..:D.
But..jack bieng nice..
*looks up*... no blue moon.
jackington HAS amazing hair

2008-03-23 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: im nice to alex.. no one else xD..

2008-03-24 [I be THE MAT!]: Thanks Jack, we feel more loved >.<

2008-03-24 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *pats your back*.. my work here is done xD

2008-03-24 [The Incredible Bulk]: I'm fine i have Oreo's..The white stuff:D

2008-03-24 [Lex]: ^^ -dances- i ish wubbed.... hehehe... ..... i like... white stuff >> xD

2008-03-24 [I be THE MAT!]: >.> you people make me sick XD

2008-03-24 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: right back at you

2008-03-24 [I be THE MAT!]: WHY DO YOU PICK ON ME!?

2008-03-24 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: actually.. im within right this time.. you started it xD

2008-03-24 [Lex]: lol ya know... hes right... -crosses arms-

2008-03-24 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: thank you ^^ *hugs alex*

2008-03-24 [Lex]: -hugs back- just speakin the truth.... ^^

2008-03-24 [The Incredible Bulk]: Mat likes the white stuff :D

2008-03-25 [Lex]: xD >> i mean..... -cough-

2008-03-25 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: he really does xD

2008-03-25 [Lex]: xD i bet! hahaha


2008-04-18 [I be THE MAT!]: >.> I so do not like white stuff >.> espicailly oreos, they are disgusting!!!

2008-04-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: its your fault not ours

2008-04-19 [Lex]: MY fault!? excuse me mr. General Jack of friggen insanity cult FREAKS! hah! you let it dieee!!! how horrible! xD

2008-04-19 [shadows of life]: hmm... -shrugs and walks off-

2008-04-19 [Lex]: where on this friggen planet do you think youre going!? -reaches out and pulls you back- HERMMM?!!?`

2008-04-19 [shadows of life]: the wiki

2008-04-19 [Lex]: fine.... >> lol

2008-04-19 [shadows of life]: heh

2009-04-21 [I be THE MAT!]: xD It be dead, or atleast it was! xD

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